About the Kniprap Video;
For the track 'Kniprap' from the album 'Format MC' I made a video clip by experimenting with glitching digital video. Because the vocals of the track where already heavily chopped-up, I decided to film the 2 verses in the song in a 'normal' continuous way. Therefore the vocalists needed to playback the chopped-up vocals which wasn't that easy most of the time. Later I manually applied a little glitching-effect on that part of the track.
For second part of the track I experimented with glitching different type's of video-codecs, which all made different type's of glitches. Most of the time I used a small script to change the raw-data of the video files, played back the results in different video players, and screencaptured the video again when the results where useable.
Founded in 2010, GLI.TC/H has been self-described as a (glitch) conference, festival and gathering hybrid. It has always been a free and open event, taking place in Chicago (2010, 20111, 2112), Amsterdam (20111) and Birmingham (20111), and aims to gather glitch artists, theorists, coders and enthusiasts for a short time, to share their work and ideas.
For the open call for works in 20111 I sended in the Kniprap video and it got selected by the Glitch-bots. It was shown at the GLI.TC/H screening program in Chicago and Amsterdam.